Campus Mail
What is campus mail?
Campus mail refers to University business and business-related mail delivered within and between the UCI campus and UCI Medical Center. Mail to other UC campuses is not considered campus mail.
Distribution Services sorts and delivers campus mail for all campus departments on the Irvine campus. Distribution Services uses ZotCodes to reduce errors and maximize efficiency within our services. For ease of use, the majority of ZotCodes are the ZIP+4 in the delivery address.
How do ZotCodes Work?
The campus mail service only runs smoothly if the correct ZotCode is applied. Please make sure you are using the correct ZotCode when addressing mail for all campus departments, both on-campus and off-campus. Omitting a ZotCode may result in failure to deliver mail, even if the remainder of the address is accurate. This mail could be sent back to Distribution Services and re-routed, adding at least two extra days to the delivery process.
Review the ZotCode list for your department.Â
Updating or Adding a ZotCode
Keeping campus address data current requires campus departments to provide up-to-date information. Please inform Distribution Services if your department is planning to move or change its name. Occasionally, a department may need to add a new ZotCode. You may also update your ZotCode.
For more information regarding the assignment of ZIP+4/ZotCode, please contact the Distribution Services Manager at (949) 824-4735.
Formatting Campus Mail
When addressing your campus mail, remember to:
- Address with recipient’s full name, department, and ZotCode
- Use an official campus (large tan) envelope
- Seal before sending
Campus mail in an official campus envelope does not need a return address.
Do not use standard white business envelopes as they can be mistaken for outgoing mail.
How much does it cost?
Campus mail does not require postage and is free of cost.
How long does it take for campus mail to be delivered?
- Properly addressed mail is sorted and delivered within one to two business days
- Insufficiently addressed mail must be looked up which may cause a one-day delay in receipt.
- If we are still unable to locate the recipient after exhausting all means, the mail is immediately returned to the sender.
Mailing Checks
Expedited Check Deposits
Checks for deposit with the Central Cashier should be placed in special plastic zippered Expedited Check Deposit bags rather than campus envelopes. The Expedited Check Deposit bags are placed in one of the campus drop boxes marked Special Mail, or in the Special Mail slot in 135 Aldrich Hall. Bags deposited in the drop box by the pick-up time are delivered to the Central Cashier by 3:00PM the same day.
Payroll Checks
Distribution Services delivers checks and Surepay documents, addressed and sealed by the Payroll Office are delivered to departments with their daily mail delivery each payroll day.
Contact Us
UCI Distribution Services
Distribution Services Team
Mail Distribution Facility
19182 Jamboree Road
Irvine, CA 92612
Long-Term Storage Facility
19148 Jamboree Road
Irvine, CA 92612
Business Hours
Monday-Friday, 6:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. (Closed 12 p.m.-1 p.m.)
Closed on university holidays.