UCI Division of Finance and Administration

Personnel Records Online System (PROs)

The Personnel Records Online System (PROs) is designed to:

  • Create a consolidated and complete employee file that is accessible to those who require access
  • Reduce institutional risks related to unauthorized access to employee records
  • Manage the retention and disposition of employee records in accordance with UC guidelines
  • Streamline the process of responding to subpoenas

Refer to the PROs User Manual for information on how to navigate the system.

Our quick video guides are also available for additional assistance with navigating PROs:

Submitting Documents

Physical Records

Unit personnel managers are responsible for ensuring that all personnel records are properly prepared before files are sent to the PROs unit. All original documentation must be submitted – no copies are to be stored with the original campus unit.

How to submit physical records:

  1. Prepare files for scanning. Refer to the Personnel File Preparation Guidelines for steps on how to properly prepare your files.
  2. Create an Indexing Form for each document type.
  3. Print and place Indexing Form(s) above the corresponding document(s).
  4. Place prepared files in a secure Personnel File Transfer Envelope. Ensure that the information stated on the envelope is accurate – this will allow the PROs unit to contact you in the event that there is an error.
    NOTE: Physical documents for PROs must be sent via the Personnel File Transfer Envelope. You may order more through our Supply Order Form.
  5. Send the Personnel File Transfer Envelope through your unit’s intercampus mail outbox/bag.

Digital Records

Digital documents in PDF and JPEG formats may be submitted directly into PROs. All digital files are reviewed and verified for accuracy by the PROs unit before being transferred into the system.

How to submit digital records:

  1. Log into PROs.
  2. Select the employee whose document is being uploaded.
  3. Select “Access Record.”
  4. Select “Add Document.”
  5. Choose file to upload.
  6. Fill in the document properties.
  7. Select “Add” to submit document for review.

Updating Access to PROs

User access is managed through the KUALI Security Access Management System (KSAMS) by the PROs unit. Access to view and upload documents may be limited based on the user’s system role. Refer to the Access Permissions table to see which roles grant access to which documents.

To add or remove employee access to PROs:

  • Campus employees must submit a completed Access Request Form, signed by both the employee whose access is being updated and their Department Head. The signed form will be automatically sent to the PROs unit for confirmation.
  • UCI Health Employees must submit a completed UCI Health Access Request Form. The completed form will be automatically sent to a UCI Health HR Approver prior to being routed to the PROs unit for confirmation.

Contact Us

UCI Document Management
Vanessa Lopez Nguyen, Document Management Manager

101 Academy Way, Suite 120
Irvine, CA 92617

Business Hours
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Closed on university holidays.